machu picchu black and white

Inca Berries All You Need To Know And Health Benefits

It didn’t’ take me too long to get addicted to the Inca Berries (Physalis Peruviana), they taste awesome and they make my throat happy.

I have found these berries in a bio store I am going to sometimes! The word Inca attracted me and I got them.

They taste really strange, it’s like a mixture from a cold medicine, a mint shot and a tropical fruit sweet punch.

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They have like a balsamic effect, I have a lot of loogie and eating these berries makes it more fluid and my throat is happy.

Apart from that, the Inca berries have also crazy beneficial properties, and here on this article, we are going to talk about that.

What Are Inca Berries?

inca berries plantInca berries are a superfood grown in the Andes mountains in Peru. They need a very high altitude in order to sprout naturally, and they are at least beautiful looking.

You can see a picture here of the fruit and its beautiful flower. The fruit is bright yellow and surrounded by a thin layer of protection semi-egg that looks so cool.

This fruit is very popular in South America, I have never heard about this until last week.

It is so strange that we have so much food in this world and we are aware only of the most famous food. You could potentially eat every day a different food if you become good at recognizing what’s edible from what it is not.

There many varieties of grass, cereals, fruits and vegetables, mushrooms that it would take you a lifetime to try them all.

Inca berries are definitely one of that food that we are not used too on other continents.

Growing this plant is very easy, in any country, and benefits are huge. If you did not already, I advise you to buy those berries and try them out.

Exercise good, eat well and superfoods are important in a Minimalistic diet.

Inca Berries Health Benefits

inca berries health benefitsInca berries are one of most high in fiber food on earth, as we can see in the graph on left, these berries have 2 – 3 – 4 times more fiber compared to most famous berries on the market at the current time.

They have 19g of fibers X 100g of food. Fibers are well known to solve problems like diarrhea and stomach pain. The acidity of these berries is well known as well to reduce the cholesterol and winter colds thanks to the high concentration of vitamin C.

You can actually taste the vitamin C when eating these berries, they are sour at the end and sweet at the same time. When you squeeze them between your teeth you will get a taste that changes based on the quantity of saliva that goes on the fibers of this awesome fruit.

These are the most important Inca berries benefits, but they have many more.

They even have 7.3 g of proteins X 100 g.

Where To Buy Inca Berries?

As I said before these berries are very easy to grow, if you have a small piece of land you should definitely grow your own.  It usually takes 5-6 months to get these berries on your table.

But if your green thumb is not the best one, or you are just lazy, you can find these berries in any bio store or on the internet.

Amazon has them for instance! I am sure that if you go to one of those little stores in your city selling fancy bio or healthy food they will have them.

inca berries benefits

The price varies based on where you are living, here in Europe, you can find incaberries at the store for $5 for 500grams. 

I saw that in the United States 16 Oz -500g of berries can cost up to $10-15$. I advise you to get them in a local store, maybe they have a South American store in your area and you can find them for dead cheap like $3. 

Organic Inca Berries are safer since they are imported from other countries usually. They are consumed mostly dried, and it is easier to find them as dried organic Inca berries instead of fresh berries.

Top 10 Benefits Of Inca Berries

  1. Lower cholesterol.
  2. Improve vision.
  3. Make catarrh and loogie more fluid.
  4. Everything acid helps prevents cancer.
  5. Make your immunity system stronger.
  6. Fix stomach pain with the high content of fibers.
  7. Control the blood pressure.
  8. Make your breath smell good, like mint.
  9. Liver protection.
  10. They can be eaten by diabetics persons.

superfood berries

Most Popular Recipes

These are some of the tastiest recipes you can make with these berries. If you have some fantasy I am pretty sure that you can make more recipes. I would be glad to know the use you are going to make from these berries in the comment below.

Here are just a few recipes, but you can actually find more from the resources below.



The Inca Berries are a minimalistic superfood rich in fibers and vitamins. It can be grown everywhere in this world but at the moment they produce them mainly in South America.

This minimal super food has crazy benefits. The most important Inca berries health benefits are listed above, and their taste is insanely unique and special.

I have got addicted a few days ago when I bought them for the first time, and I thought that you might want to try it as well.

You can find them all over bio stores or superfood stores or on the internet for a higher price. I hope that you liked to discover this superfood with me and if you know more than me or you have tried them already let me know in the comment below.

dried inca berries

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Further Readings:

You should start a blog or a website too. If you want to know why and how! Read my tutorial that will guide you on how to have a successful blog step by step:

How To Start A Successful Blog Step By Step

 If it happens that you need to have a bank, here is the best bank you can have as a minimalist:

Open A Free And Minimalist Bank Account Now





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Minimalist Boy
Minimalist Boy is a dude that writes about very cool stuff. If you have the patience to read my blog posts you will become happy. I like to live with less and break the rules of society. If you are interested in my way of thinking send me a message and subscribe to my blog.

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