I was doing some research and people actually would love to have some reliable minimalist forum sites to post their journeys.
Unfortunately, there are not many minimalism forums on the internet. I have found only a handful of them so I have decided to create my own forum.
When people see my forum, not a lot of people are interacting and they naturally tend to skip the website and move on.
If you are going to land on my minimalism forum, introduce yourself and share it with your friends interested in minimalism.
If all of you will do that, we will be able to build the biggest minimalist forum community on the internet.
Even though there are not so many forums I was able to find 4/5 forums that might interest you.
One of these forums is a SubReddit of Reddit, so technically is not a forum, but this is the biggest minimalism community online for sure.
If you are ready to discover a list of top 5 minimalist forums here you will find some names.
Minimalist Boy Forum
This is my official forum, as you can see there is not a lot of people posting stuff on it. There are 169 subscribed as today, which is actually a pretty decent number but almost none of them posted stuff.
Don’t be like them and start to post pictures, stories and introduce yourself to it. You will be able to see the growth of this good looking website in no time if you all do that.
Minimalist Boy as today is getting around 500 organic visitors from Google every day.
This is a pretty decent amount of traffic and if at least 2-3 people a day will start to sign up and post on this forum it will grow a lot and you all will be able to grow as a minimalist as well reading the things written on it.
Don’t be shy and post something on it right now.
Mr. Money Mustache Forum
Mr. Money Mustache is a website that gets thousands of visitors every day. The owner of this website is a young Canadian dude that he was able to retire at the age of 30 thanks to frugality and smartness.
He’s now making a lot of money thanks to his blog, he has a lot of visitors and a nice online forum and community you can join for free.
On this forum, you will be able to share your Badassity and interact with a lot of people trying to make a living investing money and online.
There are great tips about how to be frugal and save money and there also tips that will help you make more money and retire early.
SubReddit Minimalism
Reddit is one of the biggest websites on the internet. There are millions of visitors every day searching for news and tips.
Reddit is made of subreddits, a subreddit is basically an online community created around a specific topic.
There is an interesting community and subreddit for minimalism as well. In fact, as today you will be able to find 386.234 members in the minimalism subreddit.
All of these people are posting interesting news about minimalism, their journeys, pictures, and tips on how to become a serial minimalist.
Reddit is completely free and although is not a real forum, it is one of the most powerful and nicest online community ever.
Simple Living Forum
Simple Living Forum is another great but not very popular forum that talks about different themes regarding being frugal and minimalism.
The forum is made with one of the best forum software and there are themes that are with no doubts extremely interesting that’s for sure.
A lot of users are reading and posting their journeys with minimalism and you can create an account and interact with the community for free as well.
If you are serious about becoming a minimalist this is another great place to start.
Unclutterer is another forum where the main topic is minimalism. The forum is pretty dead and it needs new users posting stuff on it as well.
You can post before and after you become a minimalist pictures, challenges to face in order to become a minimalist, living spaces ideas, the impact of technology on minimalism and so much more.
The forum itself is not even that bad, it just needs people interested in bringing it back to life.
The last posts averages to be posted more than 1 year ago, but still, the arguments are interesting and worth a visit.
There are certain topics that have more than 200 threads and it might be worth reading them.
In conclusion, there are not a lot of minimalism forums available on the internet. The best ones are Reddit and Mr. Money mustache.
Mr money mustache is more focused on making money online with investing in stocks etc… but still ,he has always this tone of frugality and Badassity in the threads posted on it.
I have made this article because I can see that a lot of people are searching for minimalism communities online but they are not able to find them.
In fact, a lot of people is landing on my forum here on the minimalist boy, and then some of these users are making an account and never use it again and some other they just skip it and don’t post anything.
I have not a lot of posts on my forum but I would like to have it growing in the near future, so please create a free account and start posting things on my forum as well.
If you are looking forward to more content, Bookmark this blog. Share it with your friends and spread some rumors about it. Also, make a comment, I’m curious to know what you think about this.
Further Readings:
You should start a blog or a website too. If you want to know why and how! Read my tutorial that will guide you on how to have a successful blog step by step.
How To Start A Successful Blog Step By Step
If it happens that you need to have a bank, here is the best bank you can have as a minimalist:
Open A Free And Minimalist Bank Account Now