
Minimalist Boy Donation Page And Feedback

Dear Minimalist Boy Reader,

I have started to put a lot of time and energies into the Minimalist Boy. I am trying to put on paper my thoughts and my pain.

It is a very hard job for me because my brain is in constant evolution, I am using OneNote from Microsoft to create a roadmap of my thoughts, and my goal and mission is to help you out in life.




I think that my stories and my reflections on life would make you a better person. I will try to create a pattern in my articles that will make you hesitant about your current state of living.

My goal is to give you a better quality of life and to introduce you to minimalism as I am the MinimalistBoy.

I am very confident that living a life of “less” will improve many of your undiscovered talents, I am sure that you will gain more appreciation for life thanks to my stories.

As I said before, trying to create this great content is not an easy job, mainly because it is hard for me to write my thoughts downs since they are very convoluted and not clear even for me.


How Do I Put Down My Thoughts So That I Am Able To Write Them On Paper?

Only using OneNote on daily basis made me realize that I can give some of my wisdom to the world, I am constantly creating a roadmap of my brain over there, and then it is a little easier for me to express my self and create the MinimalistBoy Blog.

I will try to post new content very frequently. I am caught up in many other projects as well, and this one, is definitely by now the most simple and ultimately/maybe more ambitious that I have.

Probably it will not be only about minimalism. There will be personal development, psychology and how to reach your “nirvana” and more.

I would love to grow my audience and maybe bring this project to the next level. I hate to see people covered in gold while other people die of starvation.

Argentian Kid Drinking water In a dirty Puddle | MinimalistBoy
Argentian Kid, Drinking water In a dirty Puddle | MinimalistBoy

Living with the minimum to be happy. Live a life of purposes and goals and love! Can be more fulfilling than any other thing in this world.

Not having to work a 9 to 5 Job is also something that you want to achieve, you don’t want to waste your life behind a desk, making richer someone else. I will teach you how you can be free and I will try to give you the keys to open your cage.


Why Donate to the Minimalist Boy?

It will be my mission to bring the beauty of life afloat on planet earth. To overcome my fears and uncertainty, I will need the support of people.

I need to know if I am doing good or if I am doing bad. I need to interact with all of you guys and girls, and I need to know your thoughts on my vision of life.

Knowing so will fire my motivation to make you feel better, I don’t want you to be depressed or taking pills or wasting cash on doctors.

All you need in life is already there, and you don’t need more.

I hope that this brief introduction and words motivated you to read my stuff on MinimalistBoy a little bit. I would appreciate donations as well, this would be a yes you are doing good feedback.

Hopefully, MinimalistBoy will be your new god or reference. Your way of thinking will be changed radically for good.

Peace out,


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